Latest Tools
361 items found in Latest Tools
Stanley Rebate Plane No. 78 (England)
- £65.00
An old Stanley 78 rebate plane, Made In England. This Stanley 78 is supplied with a fence, depth stop and Stanley cutter. This plane has the nice feature of still retaining its Stanley trade label and being supplied in its original box. For general information about this plane see the Stanley 78 ...
Record Fore Plane No. 06 (Beech)
- £95.00
A nice old Record Fore Plane No. 06. Fitted with lacquered Beech handles made to look like Rosewood. For general information about this tool see the Record 06 Plane Review on Condition: all parts move freely, pitting and black staining to sole and sides, please see photos for c...
Rabone Chesterman Folding Brass Rule No 1243 - 24"
measuring tools
- £30.00
A lovely old Rabone Chesterman Folding Brass Rule No 1243 - 24" The measurements are metric on one side and imperial on the other side. Condition: please see photos for condition.
Old Brass Protractor
measuring tools
- £19.00
A lovely old brass protractor. Width: 92mm Condition: please see photos for condition.
Old Sawyers Dog-Leg Hammer (Ash)
- £90.00
A lovely old Sawyers Hammer / old saw-makers hammer which is specialist hammer used by the old British saw makers. Head Length: 135mm Handle Length: 290mm Condition: please see photos for condition.
Old Thor Metal-Workers Copper Hammer - Size 1 (Hickory)
- £25.00
An old Thor Metal-Workers Copper Hammer - Size 1 The head is marked on one side 'Size 1, Ref 310, Thor' and on the otherside 'Made In England, Thor Hammer Company'. Head Length: 90mm Head Diameter: 1 1/4" Handle Length: 270mm Condition: please see photos for condition.
2x Old Cobblers Hammers (Ash)
- £50.00
2x Old Cobblers Hammers / Leatherwork Hammers / Bookbinders Hammers. One of the hammers has been set specially with the handle/head at an angle, certainly rare. One is a Geo Barnsley (Sheffield) hammer.. Head Lengths: 105mm Handle Lengths: 235mm Condition: please see photos for condition.
Old Metal-Workers or Cobblers Hammer (Ash)
- £30.00
Old Double-Headed Metal-Workers or Cobblers Hammer. This hammer is specially blacksmith made, possibly unique. Head Length: 100mm Handle Length: 300mm Condition: please see photos for condition.
Old Metal-Workers Hammer (Ash)
- £25.00
Old Double-Ended Metal-Workers Hammer. Head Length: 100mm Handle Length: 300mm Condition: please see photos for condition.
Old Hammer (Hickory)
- £20.00
Old Double-Ended Hammer which we think is a metal-workers hammer. The handle has a bit of a curvature. Head Length: 140mm Handle Length: 310mm Condition: handle has a bit of a curve, please see photos for condition.
Old Roofers / Slaters Hammer (Ash)
- £35.00
Old Roofers / Slaters Hammer. Head Length: 235mm Handle Length: 265mm Condition: please see photos for condition.
Old Thos Turner Hand Rip Saw - 26” - 5 1/2tpi (Beech)
- £75.00
A lovely old rip saw. The nibbed blade is marked 'Thomas Turner & Co, Trade Mark, Encore, Sheffield, Refined, Cast Steel, A & N C S L'. TPI: 5 1/2 Blade length: 26" Condition: has two old replacement nuts, blade is straight, all teeth present, feels sharp but presume probably would ben...
Old James Gregg Hand Saw - 24” (Beech)
- £90.00
A lovely old hand saw. The nibbed blade is marked 'James Gregg, Sloan Square' (London). TPI: 6 - 7 1/2 Blade length: 24" Condition: blade has a tiny curve, all teeth present, feels sharp but presume probably would benefit from a sharpen, please see photos for condition.
Disston Philadelphia D8 Thumb-hole Rip Saw - 26” - 4tpi
- £100.00
An old Disston Philadelphia hand saw, fitted with a finger-hole / thumb-hole design handle. The medallion is marked 'Disston, Phila'. We are starting to put up for sale saws we have been holding in our stores for a long time. For general info about this tool, please see the Disston thumb-hole saw...
Disston Philadelphia D7 Panel Saw - 22” - 10tpi (Apple)
Other Tools
- £75.00
An old Disston Philadelphia D7 hand saw. The medallion is marked 'Disston, Phila'. The blade has a faded Disston D7 etching '....Henry Disston & Sons, Philadelphia, USA, D-7...' TPI: 10 Blade length: 22" Condition: blade straight, all teeth present, feels sharp but presume probably would b...
2x Old Spear & Jackson Saws
- £50.00
2x Old Spear & Jackson Saws: Spear & Jackson Hand Saw - 22 1/2" - 10tpi Spear & Jackson Tenon Saw - 12" - 14tpi Condition: hand saw blade is straight, tenon saw has a slight bend, all teeth present, presume benefit from a sharpen, please see photos for condition.
2x Old Hand Saws – 22", 24” - 8tpi, 10tpi (Beech)
- £50.00
2x old hand saws including a Disston D8 hand saw, fitted with hardwood handles. TPI: 8 and 10 Blade length: 22" and 24" Condition: the blades have small bend, all teeth present, feel sharp but presume probably benefit from a sharpen, please see photos for condition.
Stanley Smoothing Plane No. 4 1/2 (Beech)
- £75.00
An old Stanley smoothing plane no. 4 1/2, Made In England, fitted with Beech handles and Stanley plane cutter. Condition: all parts move freely, tiny chip to cutting edge (see photo), please see photos for condition.
Stanley Smoothing Plane No. 4 (England)
- £40.00
An old Stanley smoothing plane no. 4, Made In England, with Stanley England cutter. Condition: all parts move freely, please see photos for condition.
Rapier Small Plough Plane
Other Tools
- £65.00
An old Rapier small plough plane, comes with depth stop and three cutters. Condition: please see photos for condition
Stanley Smoothing Plane No. 4 (USA)
- £35.00
An old Stanley smoothing plane no. 4, Made In USA, with Stanley USA cutter. Condition: all parts move freely, rear side wall has been filed down, please see photos for condition.
2x Recent Block Planes
- £25.00
2x Recent Block Planes Condition: all parts move freely, please see photos for condition.
2x Wm Marples Boring Tools – 1", 1 1/4” (Beech)
Other Tools
- £39.00
2x Wm Marples Boring Tools – 1", 1 1/4” Condition: please see photos for condition.
Stanley Hand Drill No. 803 (Beech)
Other Tools
- £25.00
An old Stanley hand drill no. 803, made in England. For general info about this drill, please see the Stanley 803 hand drill review on Condition: all parts move freely, please see photos for condition.
Stanley Hand Drill No. 803 (Beech)
Other Tools
- £25.00
An old Stanley hand drill no. 803, made in England. For general info about this drill, please see the Stanley 803 hand drill review on Condition: all parts move freely, replaced side handle with no ferrule, please see photos for condition.
Old Tin Containing Many Old Brass Hinges
Other Tools
- £50.00
Old Tin Containing Many Old Brass Hinges (75 I think) Includes: 7x Brass Butt Hinges - 3" - Height: 76mm (3"), Overall Width: 47mm, Flap Widths To Barrel Edge: 19mm, Flap Thickness: 2.5mm approx. The old tin has a stunning graphic inside the lid 'Lambert & Butler's, Coarse Cut, Waverley Mixt...
Old Twist Auger Drill Bits Set
Other Tools
- £90.00
9-Piece Lovely Old Twist Auger Drill Bits Set consisting of: 8x W. Gilpin, Wedges Mills Drill Bits and 1x W. Marples Drill Bit in a red baise bit roll. Condition: please see photos for condition.