Rip, Crosscut & Panel Saws
Here you will find hand saws including: Rip saws, crosscut saws and panel woodworking saws from makers like Henry Disston, Sandvik, Buck, Tyzack.
61 items found in Rip, Crosscut & Panel Saws
- Date, new to old
Old Thos Turner Hand Rip Saw - 26” - 5 1/2tpi (Beech)
- £75.00
A lovely old rip saw. The nibbed blade is marked 'Thomas Turner & Co, Trade Mark, Encore, Sheffield, Refined, Cast Steel, A & N C S L'. TPI: 5 1/2 Blade length: 26" Condition: has two old replacement nuts, blade is straight, all teeth present, feels sharp but presume probably would ben...
Old James Gregg Hand Saw - 24” (Beech)
- £90.00
A lovely old hand saw. The nibbed blade is marked 'James Gregg, Sloan Square' (London). TPI: 6 - 7 1/2 Blade length: 24" Condition: blade has a tiny curve, all teeth present, feels sharp but presume probably would benefit from a sharpen, please see photos for condition.
Disston Philadelphia D8 Thumb-hole Rip Saw - 26” - 4tpi
- £100.00
An old Disston Philadelphia hand saw, fitted with a finger-hole / thumb-hole design handle. The medallion is marked 'Disston, Phila'. We are starting to put up for sale saws we have been holding in our stores for a long time. For general info about this tool, please see the Disston thumb-hole saw...
Disston Philadelphia D7 Panel Saw - 22” - 10tpi (Apple)
Other Tools
- £75.00
An old Disston Philadelphia D7 hand saw. The medallion is marked 'Disston, Phila'. The blade has a faded Disston D7 etching '....Henry Disston & Sons, Philadelphia, USA, D-7...' TPI: 10 Blade length: 22" Condition: blade straight, all teeth present, feels sharp but presume probably would b...
2x Old Spear & Jackson Saws
- £50.00
2x Old Spear & Jackson Saws: Spear & Jackson Hand Saw - 22 1/2" - 10tpi Spear & Jackson Tenon Saw - 12" - 14tpi Condition: hand saw blade is straight, tenon saw has a slight bend, all teeth present, presume benefit from a sharpen, please see photos for condition.
2x Old Hand Saws – 22", 24” - 8tpi, 10tpi (Beech)
- £50.00
2x old hand saws including a Disston D8 hand saw, fitted with hardwood handles. TPI: 8 and 10 Blade length: 22" and 24" Condition: the blades have small bend, all teeth present, feel sharp but presume probably benefit from a sharpen, please see photos for condition.
Disston Philadelphia D8 Panel Saw – 20" -12tpi
- £75.00
A super little old Disston D8 panel saw fitted with hardwood handle and 'Disston USA' medallion. Still retains its good clear Disston etching. TPI: 12 Blade length: 20" Condition: blade is straight, all teeth present, probably would benefit from a sharpen, please see photos for condition.
Disston Philadelphia D8 Hand Saw – 26”- 6tpi (Apple)
- £70.00
An old Disston Hand Saw fitted with a 'Disston USA' medallion and Apple handle. The blade still retains its faded Disston etching. TPI: 6 Blade length: 26" Condition: blade is straight, all teeth present, feels sharp but presume would benefit from a sharpen, please see photos for condition.
Disston Philadelphia D8 Hand Saw – 26”- 6tpi (Apple)
- £70.00
An old Disston Hand Saw fitted with a 'Disston Phila' medallion and Apple handle. The blade still retains its faded Disston etching. TPI: 6 Blade length: 26" Condition: blade is straight, all teeth present, feels sharp but presume would benefit from a sharpen, please see photos for condition.
Old Disston Hand Saw – 26”- 7tpi (Apple)
- £65.00
An old Disston Hand Saw fitted with a 'Disston USA' medallion and Apple handle. TPI: 7 Blade length: 26" Condition: blade is straight, all teeth present, feels sharp but presume would benefit from a sharpen, top handle spur has been repaired, please see photos for condition.
Disston Philadelphia Hand Saw – 26”- 6tpi (Apple)
- £70.00
An old Disston Philadelphia Hand Saw fitted with a 'Disston Phila' medallion, Apple handle and nibbed blade. TPI: 6 Blade length: 26" Condition: blade has a tiny curve towards the end, all teeth present, feels sharp but presume would benefit from a sharpen, handle top spur rounded off, please ...
Old Disston Canada Hand Saw – 26”- 8tpi
- £55.00
An old Disston Canada Hand Saw. TPI: 8 Blade length: 26" Condition: blade has a tiny curve towards the end, lots of water marks, all teeth present, several teeth have dull points so would benefit from a sharpen, please see photos for condition.
Disston Philadelphia Hand Saw No. D-12 – 26”- 7tpi (Apple)
- £95.00
A scarce, old Disston Philadelphia hand saw No. D12. We have had the Disston No. 12 Saw a couple of times, this is the first Disston D-12 Saw we have had. The saw is fitted with a decorative handle with beautiful chip carved foliage. The medallion is marked 'Disston, USA'. The blade retains its f...
Disston Philadelphia D8 Thumb-hole Rip Saw - 25” - 4 1/2tpi
- £60.00
An old Disston Philadelphia hand saw, fitted with a finger-hole / thumb-hole design handle. The medallion is marked 'Disston, USA'. The blade retains its faded Disston Philadelphia D-8 etching. We are starting to put up for sale saws we have been holding in our stores for a long time. For general...
Old Disston Panel Saw – 24" -11tpi (Apple)
- £50.00
An old Disston Philadelphia panel saw, fitted with an Apple handle. TPI: 11 Blade length: 24" Condition: blade has tiny curve towards end, all teeth present, teeth are cut as one long, one short for most of the length, feels sharp but probably would benefit from a sharpen, medallion is heavily ...
Disston Philadelphia D8 Saw – 24" -8tpi (Apple)
- £70.00
An old Disston Philadelphia D8 hand saw, fitted with an Apple handle. The medallion is marked 'Disston, USA'. The blade has a good clear Disston etching '....Henry Disston & Sons, D-8, Philadelphia, USA...' For general info about this tool, please see the Disston D8 saw review on FindMyTool.c...
Old Sandvik Hand Saw – 24”- 8tpi (Beech)
Other Tools
- £55.00
A nice old Sandvik Saw, this Swedish saw is fitted with an elaborate decorative handle carved with Nordic serpents. TPI: 8 Blade length: 24" Condition: blade is straight, all teeth present, feels sharp but please presume will benefit from a sharpen, please see photos for condition.
2x Old Warranted Superior Hand Saw & Tenon Saw (Beech)
Other Tools
- £50.00
2x Old Warranted Superior Hand Saw & Tenon Saw TPI: 13 & 6 Blade length: 12" & 25 1/2" Condition: blade have tiny, tiny curve, all teeth present (hand saw has a much shortened tooth towards front), tenon saw probably would benefit from a sharpen, hand saw feels sharp, please see ph...
Old Disston Hand Saw – 24" - 7tpi (Beech)
- £60.00
An old Disston saw fitted with a decorative hardwood handle and 'Disston USA' medallion. This saw has a handle designed with chip carved foliage carvings. TPI: 7 Blade length: 24" Condition: blade is straight, all teeth present, feels sharp but assume probably would benefit from a sharpen, plea...
Disston Select Hand Saw – 26" - 8tpi (Beech)
- £55.00
An old Disston Select hand saw fitted with a decorative hardwood handle. This saw has a handle designed with chip carved foliage carvings. TPI: 8 Blade length: 26" Condition: blade is straight, all teeth present, feels sharp but assume probably would benefit from a sharpen, please see photos fo...
Sandvik Hand Saw No 277 – 24”- 6tpi (Beech)
Other Tools
- £75.00
A super Sandvik Saw no. 277 with the nice feature of this hand saw retaining its sleeve and the blade retaining its etching. Probably seen very little use, possibly unused. TPI: 6 PPI: 7 Blade length: 24" Condition: blade is straight, all teeth present, sharp, please see photos for condition.
Sears Kromedge Hand Saw – 22" - 10tpi (Beech)
- £50.00
An old Sears Craftsman Kromedge hand saw fitted with a decorative hardwood handle. This saw has a handle designed with chip carved foliage carvings. TPI: 10 Blade length: 22" Condition: blade is straight, all teeth present, probably would benefit from a sharpen, please see photos for condition.
Old Leather Saw Case
- £25.00
Old Leather Saw Case - 28" Condition: rear of case has lots of speckles of paint, locking pin no longer present, please see photos for condition.
Old Hand Saw - 22” - 7tpi (Beech)
Other Tools
- £45.00
A nice old hand saw with decorative shaped handle. TPI: 7 Blade length: 22" Condition: blade is straight,, all teeth present, feels sharp but probably would benefit from a sharpen, please see photos for condition.
Old Buck Hand Saw - 25 1/2” - 8tpi (Beech)
Other Tools
- £75.00
A super, old Buck hand saw with decorative aged handle. The blade retains its makers mark 'Buck, Tot Court Rd'. An increasingly scarce opportunity to buy one of these lovely old saws. TPI: 8 Blade length: 25 1/2" Condition: blade has a small curve towards the end,, all teeth present, probably ...
Disston Hand Saw Keystone Challenger – 22" - 10 tpi
- £75.00
An old Disston saw fitted with a decorative hardwood handle and 'Warranted Superior' medallion. This saw has a handle designed with chip carved foliage carvings. This saw has a faded etching which says 'Keystone K5 or K6 Challenger Made By Dsisston Reg US Pat...' TPI: 10 Blade length: 22" Condi...
Disston Hand Saw – 20" - 10 tpi
- £50.00
An old Disston saw fitted with a decorative hardwood handle and 'Disston USA' medallion. This saw has a handle designed with chip carved foliage carvings. TPI: 10 Blade length: 20" Condition: blade is straight, all teeth present, probably would benefit from a sharpen, please see photos for cond...
Disston Rip Saw – 26" - 4 1/2 tpi
- £65.00
An old Disston saw fitted with hardwood handle and 'Disston Canada' medallion. TPI: 4 1/2 Blade length: 26" Condition: blade is straight, all teeth present, feels sharp but probably would benefit from a sharpen, please see photos for condition.